The other day, I was meeting a friend in Oliveto, a low-key Sardinian place that I'd heard did great pasta and pizza. She was late when I called her from our table and I could tell she'd only just got into a cab. I ordered a coke, ate the whole bread basket, read my book and studied the menu. The waiter was clearing away the table next to me when I mentioned to him that I'd never eaten a sea urchin before (it appears twice on the menu once raw as a starter and once with pasta) he looked at me and said, "Just a moment please" in a very, very strong Italian accent and walked off. I thought he might be struggling a bit with my Derby accent and had gone to ask someone else to see to me when he came back a few minutes later with a piece of hot bruschetta and a little dish with a raw sea urchin in it! How's that for service!
He told me how in Italy he loves to eat them straight from the sea and something about only harvesting them when there's a full moon. Actually I found the urchin a bit full-on and more than a little slimy, but I loved his passion for them and obviously I had to eat it all because he'd given it me specially. Anyway, eventually my friend showed up and I chose a glass of rosé and Malloredus Sardi, a pasta dish with sausages - it was amazing. My pasta was homemade, every little single piece rolled by hand and not only that but the sausages were homemade too. And all for just £11. Great service, great food, good wine, good prices. We were both delighted!
Elizabeth Street, then. If you are female and have a spare hour or two, you need to take a walk down there very, very soon indeed...
sorry for being off subject but the ex-chippy at the end of your road is mentioned in the G2 piece about fish and chips today FYI
Is it? I'll pop out for a copy in a bit. That chippy's been closed ever since we moved in about 8 years ago. I hope they're going to re-open it...
yep that's the one, only skimmed the first bit. also silvana are you only going to take lunch from now on with your female friends in streets with female names?
Now that's a good idea! Do you have any name streets to recommend lunch on?
Is there any where good on Margaret st not far (west) from charlotte st?
why are you not on twitter? it's brilliant. Sign up. then we can stalk you.
What is Twitter? I keep getting emails from people I know asking me to be their friend on Facebook and I don't really know what that is either. I'll be 40 next year you know but so I might not be allowed to join either of them. Anyway, can't sign up today as I am having yet more car trouble - latch has just bust and door swung wide open in the middle of Lordship Lane! Scary as anything!
Bltp - Does St Catherine's Dock count?
I was trying to think of restaurants on streets with ladies' names, and realised it's hard to think of ANY streets with ladies' names...
There's a multitude of men: Dean, Rufus, Lawrence, Rupert, Noel, loads more - but women?
After Charlotte and all her streets and places, and leaving out Saints (and Marylebone, which is surely cheating), I can only think of Harriet Street in Kensington and Elsiemaud Road in Brockley.
Am I just being dim here? Maybe I need to track down my copy of the A to Z...
Or perhaps I should get back to work.
Facebook is the future, you should sign up to it.
Then you can be like me, and do no work at all, just play on the internet for 8 hours a day.
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