Hello Heston
Tell us, where would you take your family for a lovely lunch in London?
"Um... I'd take them for dim sum at The Royal China Club on Baker St. It is a brilliant place, fantastic food and dim sum is such great fun to eat..."
Great! Thanks...
"No problem..."
So, there you go. I actually want to eat there right now...
is "vinegar strokes" a commonly used phrase? only i had to explain it to geoff last week and he (a) laughed and then (b) beat me for being so disgusting, obv
hahahahahaha... that Geoff's a one, eh? It's Viz' fault, I believe...
See you Sat!
No arguments here! Me and Scrap can be there in 20!
What sort of vinegar, though?
Surely Heston's would have to be a 35 year-old Modena Balsamic (only Trebbiana white grapes from a dry summer) vinegar strokes.
What in the name of God is a vinegar stroke? I am (once again) so out of touch!
Ha! You don't want to know, DM...
A quick search of the online edition of Mr. Melly's excellent tome reveals;
vinegar strokes n.
Of males on the job, the final climactic stages of intercourse or masturbation. As in: "Would you believe it? The phone rang just as I was getting onto the vinegar strokes". From the similar facial expression associated with sipping vinegar.
DM - You don't want to know, it's very unpleasant. Thank you Matt for the explanation. Sorry you say? And so you should be.
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