Thursday, November 06, 2008

From The How Marvelous Desk: 1


BLTP said...

have they had a recount and elected Boris Johnson mini-me president?

Paul McDonald said...

Finally the light at the end of the tunnel isnt a train!!

Rob said...

bltp: very good. i think of that every time i see this picture now.
PM: i know! unless it all goes horribly wrong :(

Anonymous said...


BLTP said...

Mr "R2D2" you might want to go to the droid refurb unit I think your positronic brains confused how can a 4 year old kid be a terrioris. Some of the kids I know are "little terrors" but terrorist is a little strong (particualry from a profiless poster). what's he going to do drive his peddle car into his kindergarten class and blow it up! I think you need to have sit down and think about your life choices eat more fruit you know get alife.

marmiteboy said...

It was a great day in history. america can be proud of itself.