I'm reviewing this for a daily newspaper. I'd never really taken much notice of The Triffids before, there seemed to be so much other stuff going on in 1989, but there are some great tracks on this (there's some stinkers too - but that's pop, right?) But this is very good. Oh yes...
Nice one Rob. I used to love The Triffids, and they were a great live band. I could never quite understand why David McComb wasn't a huge star yet Bono was. Sadly, the only bit McComb seemed to get right in terms of being a star was the tragic young ending.
Part of the problem was that they didn't really have an album that stands up all the way through. I like their Peel sessions as much as anything, which suggests they never really found the right producer and Stephen Street and Gil Norton seemed to do a terrible job of it.
I don't really like Black Swan much, just the big drum beats and glossy production mean it hasn't aged too well. Some of it suggests they were looking for commercial success a bit too much.
One of the best bands out of Australia in my opinion Rob. Field of Glass is a work of genius and is worthy of the highest praise and should be heard by as many people as humanly possible.
Simon: There are some shocking moments on it, but I really like its sense of adventure...
MB: I don't know Field Of Glass, will investigate - thanks!
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