Silvana, Turn it into love, as Kylie says. I am listening to 'What' by Soft Cell even as I log on to your site. It is fabulous (I affirm that I officially endorse this adjective despite its generically, lowest-com-denom naffness) and it makes me feel dead gud.. Now, where are my bangles and black polo neck? Nero
I'm with you on this one S. Dreary and dreadful. I think it may be sacrilege to say it though. So better take cover!..
Silvana, Turn it into love, as Kylie says. I am listening to 'What' by Soft Cell even as I log on to your site. It is fabulous (I affirm that I officially endorse this adjective despite its generically, lowest-com-denom naffness) and it makes me feel dead gud.. Now, where are my bangles and black polo neck? Nero
your brain dissolved into all that champagne last night! What's wrong with you woman!
christ oh christ oh christ! You got that one wrong.
VS - Looks like you might bbe right....
Nero, never ever going to say anything against Marc Almond.
Heidi, Pad you actually saying you like this miserable, miserable song?
Im not with you on this one either.
Next you will be telling us that you don't like Dolly Parton's 9 to 5!!
T to the S to the K! can't agree here. heidi and i did not approve of the shadows treatment given to it by the Bikini Beach Band one tiny jot
Oh no, I missed the band doing their version! I bet it was chirpy, if nothing else!
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