Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunshine: Literally A Good Thing

Brent Cash: I Think I'm Falling In Love (Marina, 2008)
The sun is shining over London. This is a good thing. I didn't actually see these two on the way in, but they are entirely appopriately dressed for a spot of Brent Cash. Good old Brent hardly exists on the internet at the moment, but this will change soon thanks to this amazing record which is ambitious and lush and full of wonderful tunes that would sound marvellous spilling out of a Grundig radio in the Spring of 1971. Or on your iPod later today, your choice...

Point of order: on the back cover Brent is pictured wearing a cravat. This too can only be a good thing.


BLTP said...

cravats not just fashionable but practical too!

ps. I think the reason you didn't see those delightful young ladies on the way to work is that they seem to have just stepped out of edwardian bathing machine, which aren't thick on the ground sadly in Angel..

Mondo said...

Buzzing to hear this - looks right up my (Carnaby) Street too.

I'm going to have to get an mp4 playable app'. Would this count on the Word 'Rock virgins' blog bit. Never played an MP4?

ally. said...

i bought a cravat recently too to go with my paul smith knock off brogues. unfortunately it's got ketchup down it after a pie/football/hangover/refafuckingree incident. it didn't really keep the cold out neither but one has to make an effort and all....

ally. said...

ps it's raining at near noah levels in goddamn manchester but this made me even more in love with california than i was already (which was a lot).

Rob said...

BLTP: good point - will remember to leave the bathhouse behind when i post...
PM: the album is from the top drawer. More news soon...
Ally: I sense you wear a cravat well. Not everyone can pul that off. It does make you want to move, doesn't it!

Dingle Cheeks said...

He's a good time keeper, too....

Prolific, indeed.

Mr. Doob said...

I wanted to hear more & found this...

Check out the 'SOUNDS' tab.

This album is gonna be great!