"Hello Landcroft House, it's Patti Smith here..."
"Hello Patti Smith, how are you?"
"Oh, I'm fine thanks! I've, like, got a
new film coming out and stuff..."
"Great. Erm, you know what? While you're on the line, could I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead..."
"Tell me, what’s the greatest record ever made?"
"Oh God that is the hardest question I’ve ever been asked. That is terrible! Oh God, where do you even start? Oh… I’m thinking. Well, I very much liked
Ascenscion by John Coltrane. I could go anywhere with that. But I’m not going to choose that one. It’s probably My Bloody Valentine’s
Loveless – because it has everything in it. Which is what I was going to say about Coltrane. The best record ever made has changed a lot during my life! At one point it would have been
Blonde On Blonde, then it would have been Coltrane’s
My Favorite Things, then
Ascenscion, then
Electric Ladyland, it needs to be a record that has so many different feels, some visceral emotional experience, great lyrics. Actually, you know what, it’s James Brown’s
Live At The Apollo! That’s an incredible experience. A great record should let you lose yourself and engage yourself. You can lose yourself and dance through the whole record.
Loveless is like that too. It’s like entering into a new world, like
Alice In Wonderland! Actually, today, it’s not James Brown. We’re pushing him aside again. It’s
Loveless – I’ll keep that one. Sorry that took so long – it’s such a hard question!"
"No problem. Thanks Patti."
"No biggie, thanks LH..."