On the long table next to ours, a group of real Italians were celebrating a birthday too, but one of their thirty nine courses was being spit-roast over the log fire at the end of the room. The chef marinated baby sparrows in seasoned oil and threaded them onto a very long spike with some bay leaves, lardo and the odd little chunk of Tuscan bread. Uncle Gino says baby sparrows like that are usually eaten whole as the bones are so soft. Mmmmm.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Wood-fired Sparrows
On the long table next to ours, a group of real Italians were celebrating a birthday too, but one of their thirty nine courses was being spit-roast over the log fire at the end of the room. The chef marinated baby sparrows in seasoned oil and threaded them onto a very long spike with some bay leaves, lardo and the odd little chunk of Tuscan bread. Uncle Gino says baby sparrows like that are usually eaten whole as the bones are so soft. Mmmmm.
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Is anyone else slightly weirded-out by the sinister coincidence between yesterday's two posts from S&R?
Sylvana posts about skewered baby sparrows, that an "Uncle Gino" says are usually "eaten whole as the bones are so soft". ("Mmmmm," they say.)
Rob then posts a track that happens to have: "a saxophone solo that makes your bones feel rather softer and more liquid than usual."
I reckon they plan to eat us all.
You have been warned.
Hope you took a doggy bag home for Rob and Scrap!!
I am amazed you remember the second half of the meal, If I remember correctly, you were were far too preoccupied with getting your sister to set fire to her own hand!!
It was a good night though, and that steak was amazing.
Have you figured out what was in the crostini yet?
Sounds great. Glad you made it back, despite dad's driving.
Wood Fired Sparrows. Good name for a band.
Line of the evening for me:
Silvana to Uncle Tony "Dad, I can't believe you hit a pedestrian".
Alison "I can't believe we only hit one!"
So glad you were all there. Best birthday ever!
Line of the evening for me:
Silvana to Uncle Tony "Dad, I can't believe you hit a pedestrian".
Alison "I can't believe we only hit one!"
So glad you were all there. Best birthday ever!
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