Yesterday, I cured my bank-holiday hang-over with chocolate cheesecake. My usual remedy is an icy can of Coke and a soft white bacon sandwich. Fraser at Blogjam says his best cures are ice-cream or Pepto Bismol.
Here he combines the two with a remarkably unique recipe. Not quite sure I could cope with this one myself.
Any other cures? Not that I am planning to drink white wine from lunchtime to bedtime again anytime soon, you understand.
oh dear Pepto Bismol ice-cream makes me feel a little quesy and I haven't even got a hangover. I think a can of coke and a bacon sandwich is hard to beat but one of my favourite alternatives is a roast pepper and humous sandwich. It should be noted that the coke must be the real thing and fullfat and should be drunk first. When we were small children my mother swore by Coke for its stomach calming properties.
The best thing is another glass of wine in the morning - however awful as that may sound! If you can even get about half a glass down, you soon start to come round.
Anonymous - when you say, "the best thing", you mean "the worst thing", right?
Hangovers are bad enough without having to eat roast peppers and hummus for breakfast!;) I', in the coke or super chilly irn bru camp myself. Toast and Dairy lea (or similar are good too) then try to have another sleep followed by a bath and perhaps fry up with swift half to take the edge of the day. People always miss out good old paracetmol too.
Irn Bru and Dougnuts.
Tried and tested method, used by all the club 18-30 reps in Magalluf.
I still swear by it.
Presumably the 18-30's reps have to eat the donuts by passing then mouth to mouth around the team and as for the irn bru....
a Bloody Mary of course!
several pints of Guinness
bltp- we were young, and it seemed like a good idea at the time!
isn't there something about not being able to eat a donut without licking your lips....
Is that similar to "I bet you can't put a Rowntree's fruit pastille in your mouth without chewing".
I never knew there were quite so many high-functioning booze-hounds frequenting this site
I have a nephew that needs to try this remedy, he is always getting bad hangovers even when he drinks just a small amount. Well will try it on him first(: and let you know if it works for him.
thanks Milo
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