Scrap's grand-parents gave him an advent calendar at the weekend. It's very lovely but it's got no chocolate in it. When I was a child I didn't get a single advent calendar and would have been delighted to open a little window and find a picture of little robin on a snowy branch. Not so sure about Scrap though. He's already learned to expect a foil compartment with a tiny Mars bar in it...
Better not show him this one then!
or perhaps this one
My mum still sends me an advent calendar, and I'm 42. She likes doing it, so I indulge her.
I'm afraid I never eat the chocolate though.
The retromaniac/no choco' ones were best (especially if there was glitter on the snow). I was always disappointed they never went all the way up to 25 though.
Would recommend this for Scrap my two love it - Topsy and Tim's Snowy Day - in which Tony Welch (ever the stooge) gets a shovelful of snow down the neck
ooh, we have five advent calendars in our house......one for Mac, one for me and three special doggy ones for the three dogs. Naturally they're all chocolate.....
Bltp - yours are brilliant but both out of stock!
Five-Centres - you don't eat the chocolate? You DON'T eat the chocolate???
Mondo - I love the look of Topsy And Tim. They're going in Scrap's sock
NMoO - yes, at last, my very own calendar!
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