Obviously, I'm not saying I've not got a soft spot for Liam (I'm only flesh and blood after all) , but I can't standthis track. It's over-played, it's about Meg flaming Matthews and it's a load of soppy, wet nonsense.
Actually *puts on anorak, loosens top of flask of tomato soup made by his mum and puts down note pad* It's not about Meg "where is she now" Mathews but according to that muisc list show (you know who was on) It's about a groupie Noel met before he met Meg. When it became huge he told Meg it was about her to curry favour one presumes. * carefully pours a cup of soup and returns to ticking off the buses passing through Holborn circus ahh look a 252...*
Sorry folks, I am not with you on this one. Wonderwall is one of the very few songs to come out of the 90s that will stand the test of time. It is one of my favourite Oasis tracks, narrowly beaten into 2nd place by The Masterplan.
Compared to Champaign Supernova, Wonderwall is a work of unrivalled genius. BTW has anyone else noticed that the Masterplan sounds like Adams Groove by MC Hammer?
one of the highlights (very few) of being stuck in manchester is laughing at all the monkey boys liaming around tescos trying to be rocknroll with loo roll and beans. x
I couldn't agree more. I have a strong dislike for Oasis. it stems from a period around the whole 'Brit-Pop' thing when I lived on The Wirral. I worked in Liverpool and all the Northerners loved Oasis and hated the mighty Blur from my beloved Essex. I had very few comrades at arms and spent many a fine evening in the pub defending my boys and dissing Oasis for being copy-cats and dreadful.
Actually *puts on anorak, loosens top of flask of tomato soup made by his mum and puts down note pad*
It's not about Meg "where is she now" Mathews but according to that muisc list show (you know who was on) It's about a groupie Noel met before he met Meg. When it became huge he told Meg it was about her to curry favour one presumes. * carefully pours a cup of soup and returns to ticking off the buses passing through Holborn circus ahh look a 252...*
Be that as it may, BLTP, but I have to agree with Silvana: the song is total cobblers.
Sorry folks, I am not with you on this one.
Wonderwall is one of the very few songs to come out of the 90s that will stand the test of time.
It is one of my favourite Oasis tracks, narrowly beaten into 2nd place by The Masterplan.
Wonderwall= great record= FACT!
Compared to Champaign Supernova, Wonderwall is a work of unrivalled genius. BTW has anyone else noticed that the Masterplan sounds like Adams Groove by MC Hammer?
one of the highlights (very few) of being stuck in manchester is laughing at all the monkey boys liaming around tescos trying to be rocknroll with loo roll and beans.
I used to like it- but it just makes me think of Virgin (white van FM) Radio now. Great haircut in that pic' though.
It's the Angels of its day.
I don't like anything by Oasis.
Just before the album came out, I heard Noel explaining it on Radio 1 by saying he'd "been listening to Portishead a lot".
I couldn't agree more. I have a strong dislike for Oasis. it stems from a period around the whole 'Brit-Pop' thing when I lived on The Wirral. I worked in Liverpool and all the Northerners loved Oasis and hated the mighty Blur from my beloved Essex. I had very few comrades at arms and spent many a fine evening in the pub defending my boys and dissing Oasis for being copy-cats and dreadful.
Long live Blur.
I'm with you, MB
I must say, I never got the Oasis thing. Especially when they started slagging the Beatles.
Always thought it was just down to me being a Yank...
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