Here is a
fantastic collection of vintage American pro-smoking and tobacco ads for you to enjoy at your leisure. Perhaps with a cool smoking, non-irritating, packed-with-pleasure Chesterfield burning in your fingertips. It really is a crying shame cigarettes are so bad for you, isn't it? These ads make puffing on a tab look like
the best thing ever...
Soon we'll be saying, 'do you remember that time when we used to see beer adverts on the telly?'
ahhh Kent. there was a time that i used to smoke these. you could only get them in a couple of shops, i thought they matched my mick jones style bleached denim jacket. i wish i was that cool now!
genius. i used to love smoking. i think i'm going to plaster these all over the house and hope they beat my fear of dying horridly.
Tony: I love alcohol ads now. DRINK OUR STUFF (please don't drink much of our stuff)!
geh: I used to love Kents too - largely because Tom Waits mentioned them on Ghost Of Saturday Night. And Red Kamel. And Camel Wides! And Seven Stars...
Ally: I know what you mean - they would make great posters. An ideal christmas gift!
After looking at those smoking ads, I am going to start smoking again, I never realised how cool I looked!!.
it's true...
They have no proof that smoking does anything but make your eyes water, your mouth dry, and discolors your teeth. The so-called evidence that seems to count as proof to most people is not exactly an objective look at smoking. Science is not used to support that smoking is bad for you, mere hatred of the habit is. Anti-smoking groups are constantly waging a propaganda war against smoking. Well, what I really want to know is, if smoking was bad for you and killed you or caused you harm, how come we didn't know about it till a bunch of control freaks emerged against smoking. In the roaring 20s everyone smoked, but no one heard anything at all about it being a health related issue. Why? Because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Don't believe everything you read, because today most of what you read is pure, 100%, raw garbage written with an objective and outcome in mind. My grandparents smoked for decades, and they never fell ill. I have been smoking since I was eighteen, and at thirty-seven I am still going strong. People that complain about it need to put up or shut up. I don't smoke in their space, so they have no right to tell me what to do in mine. People need to learn to mind their own business.
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