Monday, April 30, 2007

Who's Joke is This? 1

I went down the local ice-cream shop today, and I said, "I want to buy an ice-cream" The man said, "Hundreds & thousands?" I said, "We'll start with one." He said, "Knickerbocker Glory?" I said, "I do get a certain amount of freedom in these trousers, yes."


Rob said...

that made me spit tea onto my keyboard!

Tim said...

Tommy Cooper? Ken Dodd? Sorry, that's two guesses.

Valentine Suicide said...

Were you drinking tea at the time?

Frankie Howerd?

Heidi said...

you've been on the sauce again, haven't you.

Anonymous said...

Russ Abbott?

Anonymous said...

Has the slight whiff of Tim Vine about it, but I'm probably barking up the wrong decade?!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with Tim Vine too - anything that sounds like Tommy Cooper but isn't usually is. Vine also came up with one of the shortest one-liners in the book, a mere four words. Three is hyphens make two words one word...

"Velcro - what a rip-off".

Silvana said...

Great comments! Answer is Tommy Cooper!

Anonymous said...

sorry to be an early contender for pedant of the year, but i was so surprised that the answer was Tommy Cooper and not Tim Vine I did a bit of googling and came up with this entlightening – if true? – story on the interweb.

Rob said...

Vine's used 'em, for sure. But Cooper got there first...

Silvana said...

Nope, I belive Anonymous is correct and I apologise for setting a question for which I did not have the right answer. See

Rob said...

You see, I should have read that link first! I take it all back!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that 99% of facts on the internet are incorrect. The correct one per cent includes the fact that these jokes were coined by Tim 'time taveller' Vine.

Anonymous said...

that was the comic genius of les dawon with a face like a bag of spanners and a mother in law from hell