Sunday, April 15, 2007

(Not Much) Park Life

Rumours circulating that Dulwich Park has become painfully over-popular recently - with some commentators suggesting there's barely a corner left for even the briefest spot of quiet contemplation - were today found to be completely without substance. Scrap, 3, who lives in the area added, "Is moine, daddy. Is atcherlee all moine."


Heidi said...

serves me right for being too hung over to go an enjoy a crowd-free skateboarding session. Go Scrap go!!! It's party time!!!

Rob said...

you need to get yoursefl down there for about 8:45. You have the place to yourself! See you later... x

NM said...

8.45am? So wheels up by, say, 6.15am, and providing the traffic wasn't to bad once we hit London, we could meet you there...

Hope the party was cracking.

dulwichmum said...

Ah, 8.45 yes - I knew there was a catch! Have you been to Sydenham Wells and Telegraph Hill, they are both amazing.