Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Records I Can't Stand 3

The Killers: Somebody Told Me (Vertigo, 2004)

I'll admit, that singer's a nice-looking man but this, surely, is the most dreary, droney, tedious song of all time?

"Somebody told me that she had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend or somebody's boyfriend, or something..." Whatever!


Rob said...

I'm not that keen on this either, but I hold a special place in my heart for them. They're lovely blokes, honest! And the Jacques Lu Cont mix of Mr Brightside is fantastic... It is!

Silvana said...

yeah, yeah. I like a lot of their songs too, especially that one about being a soldier but this is bloody awful!

Valentine Suicide said...

I'm on the fence with this one again sorry. Can't actually find a great deal to really hate..

I'll give you another of mine. Honky Tonk Woman by the Rolling Stones.

Altogether now..

"It's the Hooooow- a Hooownky Townk wooomaaannn...!" Nice phrasing Mick!

Rob said...

I'm with you, VS. I feel pretty ambivalent about the rolling stones (apart from You Can't Always Get What You Want)

Silvana said...

You don't hate it a bit? That motonous, flat 'singing' that synthesiser bit in the middle? Honky Tonk Woman I'm absolutley with you on.

Valentine Suicide said...

I'll have another listen and try and summon up some hate...

As for the Stones, agreed ! Absolute indifference, with the possible exceptions of Wild Horses and Gimme Shelter.

Pat Carty said...

The Killers are brutal from start to finish. The Stones are one of the greatest bands of all time.

Rob said...

Hey Pat

But this track isn't brutal, is it? Not really...

Silvana said...

It is! Brutal! And very, very tedious :(